Institute of Vocational Education and Adult Education Research Research Projects
Theoria cum praxi: Promoting Reflective Agency as a Leibniz Principle of Teacher Education. (Leibniz Principle 2)

Theoria cum praxi: Promoting Reflective Agency as a Leibniz Principle of Teacher Education. (Leibniz Principle 2)

Led by:  Prof. Dr. Julia Gillen (Gesamtleitung und Leitung Handlungsfeld 3 zusammen mit Prof. Dr. Bettina Lindmeier), Prof. Dr. Andreas Nehring (Handsfeld 1), Prof. Dr. Sascha Schanze (Handlungsfeld 2)
Team:  Dr. Christian A. Schröder
Year:  2019
Funding:  Federal Ministry of Education and Research, FKZ: 01JA1506
Duration:  01/2019 bis 12/2023
Further information